20 Ways to be Strong, Jacked, and Capable

1.       Deadlift

2.       Squat

3.       Do Heavy Presses

4.       Carry Heavy Things

5.       Lift Sandbags

6.       Swing Kettlebells

7.       Jump Rope

8.       Swing a Mace

9.       Jump

10.   Sprint

11.   Do Heavy Rows

12.   Eat Lots of Protein

13.   Do Heavy Curls and Skull Crushers, and Lots of Them

14.   Ruck With a Heavy Pack

15.   Sleep Well

16.   Train Your Grip (heavy farmers carry, fat grips, grip implements, etc)

17.   Do Pull-ups

18.   Pick Up Heavy Rocks

19.   Drag Sleds

20. Recover Hard


Upper Body Giant Sets


How to Eat More Protein