Upper Body Giant Sets

Giant sets are a combination of exercises performed with little to no rest between exercises. The point of giant sets is to get lots of blood and metabolites into an area to promote hypertrophy and healing. Ending upper body workouts with giant sets is a great option that leaves you feeling pumped and promotes recovery for the next session. Giant sets are a great place to pull up weaknesses such as rear delts. Giant sets also give an opportunity to improve ligament strength and health with high reps. This practice is particularly useful for bicep and pec attachment points. The following list is not an exhaustive list of giant sets but examples of good options. Be creative, use what you have, and do high reps.

Most of the following giant sets are themed by the equipment that they use. Most of the giant sets use a singular type of implement like a pair of dumbbells.

2-4 Rounds (EZ Bar)

  • 20 EZ Bar Skull Crushers

  • 20 EZ Bar Pullovers

  • 20 EZ Bar Curls

2-4 Rounds (Smith Machine)

  • 20 Louie Push-ups 

  • 20 Inverted Rows

  • 20 Inverted Skull Crushers

2-4 Rounds (Cable Machine)

  • 20 Cable Face Pulls

  • 20 Cable Triceps Pushdowns

  • 20 Cable Curls

  • 20 Cable Shrugs

2-4 Rounds (Swiss Bar)

  • 20 Swiss Bar Pullovers

  • 20 Swiss Bar Curls

  • 20 Swiss Bar Skull Crushers

2-4 Rounds (EZ Bar)

  • 20 Front Raise

  • 20 EZ Curls

  • 20 EZ French Press

2-4 Rounds (Dumbbells)

  • 20 DB Incline Curls

  • 20 DB Rear Delt Flies

  • 20 DB Rolling Triceps Extensions

2-4 Rounds (Cable Machine)

  • 20 Standing Cable Lat Pulldown

  • 20 Cable Triceps Pushdowns

  • 20 Cable Bicep Curls

2 Rounds (Sled)

  • 25 Sled Rows

  • 25 Sled Chest Press

  • 25 Sled Reverse Flies

  • 25 Sled Pec Flies

1 Round (Band)

  • 100 Band Curls

  • 100 Band Triceps Pushdowns

  • 100 Band Pullaparts

2-4 Rounds (Chains)

  • 20 V-Bar Chain Curls

  • 20 V-Bar Chain Skull Crushers

2-4 Rounds (Dumbbells)

  • 20 DB Rear Delt Flies

  • 20 DB Supermans

  • 20 DB High Elbow Rows

1 Round (Barbell)

  • 100 Barbell Bench Press

  • 100 Barbell Bentover Rows

  • 100 Barbell Shrugs

2-4 Rounds (Dumbbells)

  • 20 DB Rear Delt Flies

  • 20 DB Lateral Raises

  • 20 DB Front Raises

  • 20 DB Overhead Press

2-4 Rounds (Dumbbells)

  • 20 DB Lateral Raises

  • 20 DB Curls

  • 20 DB Rear Delt Flies

  • 20 DB French Press

2-4 Rounds (Traps/Rear Delts)

  • 20 DB Rear Delt Flies

  • 20 Band Face Pulls

  • 20 DB Shrugs

2-4 Rounds (Biceps)

  • 20 DB Incline Curls

  • 20 DB Hammer Curls

  • 20 Band Curls

2-4 Rounds (Rope and KB)

  • 20 Rope KB Triceps Extensions

  • 20 Rope KB Upright Rows

  • 20 Rope KB Curls

2-4 Rounds (Barbell Traps)

  • 20 Barbell Sweatt Shrugs

  • 20 Wide Grip Shrugs

  • 20 Barbell Shrugs

2-4 Rounds (Cable Machine)

  • 20 Cable Pec Flies

  • 20 Cable Curls

  • 20 Cable Shrugs

2-4 Rounds (Dumbbells)

  • 20 DB Curls

  • 20 DB Shrugs

  • 20 DB Forearm Curls

2-4 Rounds (Dumbbells)

  • 20 DB Curls

  • 20 DB Sweatt Rows

  • 20 DB Shrugs

2-4 Rounds (Barbell)

  • 20 Barbell Curls

  • 20 Barbell Shrugs

  • 20 Barbell Behind the Neck OHP

2-4 Rounds

  • 20 Louie Push-Ups

  • 20 Seated Band Rows

  • 20 DB Curls

2-4 Rounds

  • 20 Floor Lying Pec Flies

  • 20 Floor Lying Rolling DB Triceps Extensions

  • 20 DB Curls

1 Round (Band)

  • 100 Band Front Raises

  • 100 Band Face Pulls

  • 100 Band Triceps Pushdowns

  • 100 Band Curls


20 Ways to be Strong, Jacked, and Capable