Intra Workout Nutrition

In the quest to turn over every stone in the pursuit of strength and hypertrophy at some point you should come across the topic of intra-workout nutrition. I believe intra-workout nutrition is one of the most overlooked topics when it comes to getting bigger and stronger. During and after training, our bodies are most sensitive to nutrients. First, our muscles are glycogen depleted which means we should be consuming quick digesting sources of carbohydrates. Second, our body needs protein, or amino acids, to create new muscle tissue. By consuming protein during the workout it keep us from going into a catabolic state where our bodies start to break down muscle tissue to supply amino acid needs. By consuming quick digesting carbohydrates we increase our insulin levels which has been shown to be highly anabolic. Including a pre-made or homemade intra-workout drink can prolong the intensity of your workout and improve recovery rates. Also, if you are in a massing phase then the intra-workout drink is another place to sneak in more calories and nutrients. An intra-workout drink is the supplement regiment that I am most diligent with because it improves my workout quality and supports recovery.

A basic formula for an intra-workout drink is the following:

For every hour of training consume:

  1. 15g protein

  2. 30-45g carbs

  3. Mixed in 500-1000ml of water.

The protein can come from an amino acid supplement or whey protein. I have tried both and whey seems to be a cheaper option but good amino acids tend to taste better because frankly, vanilla whey taste weird in an intra workout.

The carbohydrates can come from multiple difference sources. Sources such as fruit juice, waxy maize, and dextrose can be used. Some research shows a combination of both fructose and glucose (dextrose) is the most beneficial because they are utilized through two different pathways. Some people may have digestive issues from fructose in fruit juice so be a little cautious at first. I personally use Now Sports Dextrose in my intra-workout.

If you consistently use the intra-workout above then you should experience better workouts and better recovery. The protein and the carbohydrates are the foundation of a beneficial intra-workout drink. However, if you are like me and want to turn over every possible stone when it comes to naturally getting bigger and stronger then you want do everything that is going to move the dial even a fraction of a percent. The following is additional ingredients I put in my intra-workout.

  1. 5g Leucine- The most anabolic amino acid is Leucine. It is responsible for the activation of mTOR which is responsible for protein synthesis and muscle growth.

  2. 500mg Salt- Increases plasma volume and muscle contractility.

  3. 10g L-Glutamine- Intense exercise decreases glutamine levels so consuming it during the workout helps to keep glutamine levels higher. I also think my digestive system feels better when it is included.

After playing with multiple pre-made intra-workout formulas and devising several different combinations of my own the formula that I have liked the most and had the most success with is the following.

  1. 36-54g Now Sports Dextrose (Depending on training volume)

  2. 10g Granite Essential Amino Acids (best EAAs I have found)

  3. 5g Now Sports Leucine

  4. 10g Now Sports L-Glutamine

  5. 500mg Salt (If I am using Granite Amino Acids I do not use salt because Granite EEAs have electrolytes in them)

  6. 24-32 Ounces Water


Structuring a Powerlifting Off-Season


Pre-Workout Nutrition